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Brewed by the Miyasaka family since 1662

There were mountain highs and valley lows, but honestly some of the valleys were long during our 360 years of brewing. Nevertheless, each generation of the brewing family loved what they did, and so it is today, too.

Connecting people with high-quality, food-friendly sake.

Gathering around a dinner table is one of the most important ways that people stay connected. Our role is to provide the high-quality sake that brings people and their food together.

Making sake that expresses the environment from which it came.
Operating breweries that are kind to nature.

Sake is tied to its surroundings. This earth and air give rise to this water and rice, and these nurture the microbes that create the sake of this place. We brew in ways that appreciate and protect the natural blessings of Nagano’s alpine environment.

Honoring tradition by embracing the future.

The centuries-long tradition of constantly improving techniques and tastes has made sake one of the treasures of Japanese culture. We continue to pass along our 360 years of brewing experience while always seeking new paths to sake’s future.

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